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CGE Research

Here at Common Ground Earth, it is understood that if we don't act based on facts and scientific results, we will not be able to sustain a healthy environment for future generations. Every aspect of how CGE designs projects and conducts business is carefully planned to ensure science is applied.


Out of the gate, we are focused on implementation of practical field research to demonstrate and optimize ways to convert manicured lawns to native meadows . This currently entails the planning for field test plots to be installed  at sites in the Mid-Atlantic region in 2024 . Various lawn removal/elimination techniques (tilling/plowing, no till, scarifying, solarization, and use of recycled and  biodegradble cover material to smother the existing lawn) and native seed planting techniques (broadcast seeding, drill seeding among others) are being scoped for evaluation. By focusing on careful documentation and recording of results, we will be able to communicate best practices to communities in the region.


This is only the start! We are always interested in hearing new ideas for nature-based practices to be evaluated. CGE prioritizes collaboration with other nonprofits to leverage resources; particularly  faith based organizations, academic institutions, retirement communities, and watershed based organizations.


So contact us - we look forward to discussing opportunities to collaborate!

Join Common Ground Earth in our Research!

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