Sustainability & Unity through nature. This is our focus.
We are a non-profit that builds true relationships with other non-profits that take best practices to heart. ​Organizations that understand how imperative sustainable outreach is.
Working together towards an understanding of each other’s cultures while learning about best practices when it comes to our environment and the Chesapeake bay.
Sustaining Intergenerational Learning
It's all about the outreach...
We are a team of nature loving professionals who partner with non-profit community leaders to create programs of sustainability. By working with people who have a passion for the environment and are willing to share their knowledge with a younger generation.

Native Meadows
Native meadows are increasingly popular for their ecological benefits and lower maintenance requirements. The biodiversity aspects are typically composed of a diverse range of indigenous plants and local wildlife, including pollinators and birds and are more resilient to pests and diseases and require less maintenance, no pesticides, no fertilizers, and no irrigation after establishment A native meadow exemplifies a core tenet of Common Ground Earth - diversity. Just as plant diversity in a native meadow results in better health of the earth, CGE encourages a mix of diverse people, industries, perspectives, and expertise to be involved in our mission. After all, we all live on common ground - the earth. Benefits from the diverse plant population in a native meadow include:
Reduced maintenance = Reduced cost
Reduced use of pesticides and fertilizer
Reduced noise pollution (less mowing)
Reduced air pollution (less mowing)
Reduced water use (native plants are adapted to the local climate)
Reduced fuel use and pollution from fuel spills and leaks with fuel-powered equipment
Improved plant diversity = improved population of pollinators
Improved stormwater management and soil permeability
Native plants are adapted to the local environment, making them more resilient and requiring fewer resources to thrive.
CGE is focused on partnering with landowners and community organizations (faith based organizations, homeowner associations, retirement communities) to implement demonstration projects promoting nature-based solutions such as native meadows. We are actively engaged in the development and implementation of field test plots to facilitate the advancement of practice for lawn to meadow conversion in various settings (maintained lawns in suburban settings, agricultural fields with grassed drainage areas and crop field buffers and other applications).

Pollinator Gardens
Many types of food are grown from being pollinated by insects, birds, and other pollinators. Here are some common examples: Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Legumes, Spices, Oils, Coffee and Cocoa, Herbs, Oilseeds & Berries.
These crops and many others rely on pollinators to transfer pollen from the male flower parts (anthers) to the female flower parts (stigma), which is essential for fertilization and fruit or seed development. Without pollinators, the yield and quality of these crops would be greatly reduced, which would have significant implications for agriculture and food production worldwide.

Nature Based Storm Water Management Practices
Rain gardens are designed to help manage stormwater in an environmentally friendly way. Overall, rain gardens are a sustainable and effective way to manage stormwater, reduce pollution, and mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization on local hydrology.
Permeable Pavements allow water to seep through the surface, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. They filter pollutants and contaminants from rainwater, enhancing water quality before it enters natural water bodies.