The Izaak Walton League
Gaithersburg, MD
The Izaak Walton League has expanded it's efforts to educate the local community
on the many benefits of a native meadow. By working with Common Ground Earth and local affiliates through the Chesapeake Bay Trust we will be able to collectively monitor and report nature based solutions that are region specific to inform the community around Gaithersburg on all of the positive attributes that a native meadow can provide. Read more below on the documenting and reporting with how we're achieving these goals.
Soil Science
We start with the soil. The success of any plant material depends largely on the soil it grows in. By testing the soil and finding out the minerals and nutrients that it provides, we can design a seed and plant material program to benefit the meadow in the best way.
Monitor Natives
By documenting the progress and growth success of the different seeds/plugs planted, we can further evaluate the overall health of the soil. All seed and plugs planted will be reported on to document what works best and where.
Monitor Invasives
These are the enemies of the meadow! By properly monitoring and removing invasives, you increase the success and health of the meadow many times over. This is also where we can designate areas for additional seeding.
Report our Findings
Because of our unified efforts, we will now be able to cross reference all of the data learned from monitoring and documenting here at The Izaak Walton League and share with the additional affiliates within this grant opportunity from the Chesapeake Bay Trust. Our own reporting will be displayed and updated below.